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Grace garden is a group of young adults working tirelessly to provide love, school supplies, clothes, and any needs that our partner orphanages require.

Three Word Summary

Lead, Support, Restore

Our Mission

Grace garden is a non-profit organization that teaches young leaders to provide for orphans, foster children, and at-risk children across the globe. 


"For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." John 1:16


Grace garden, where love comes to grow.

Grace garden is an outstanding organization that is dedicated to serving at-risk children
— ON Magazine

What We've Achieved

  • In 2017, Grace Garden made tie blankets for every child in two orphanages; Little House of Refuge and Hope and Future.

  • Grace Garden paid for every child in one of the Government homes in Guatemala to get a new pair of shoes.

  • Grace Garden has paid for a training class for the older girls in Little House of Refuge in Guatemala

  • Grace Garden has volunteered at multiple events for the Child’s Home of Lubbock including trunk or treat, breakfast for dinner, and tutoring

  • Grace Garden has taken every student and staff to Guatemala at least once to visit 5 orphanages.

  • Grace Garden raised over $30,000 to provide for Orphans in Guatemala.

  • Grace Garden sponsors a child in Little House of Refuge every month.

  • Grace Garden has thrown multiple events for the children at the Child’s Home of Lubbock, including open gym

  • Grace Garden has been tutoring children at Children’s Home of Lubbock

  • In 2020, Grace Garden has donated $700 in supplies to City House.

  • In 2021, Grace Garden has hosted several bible studies for the Osare Orphanage in Kenya

  • May 2021, Grace Garden has hosted a Field Day for the Children’s Home of Lubbock

  • Grace Garden hosts regular cooking classes for Little House of Refuge in Guatemala

2022 has been a great year already. We have several new programs.

  • A cooking class for the older girls at The Little House of Refuge, including bread baking!

  • A scholarship program for orphan graduates. One of our graduates is attending art school.

  • A housing assistance program for orphan graduates to get on their feet and be able to care for their own children or to provide for their basic needs.

  • An annual coat and blanket drive for the homeless in the DFW area in conjunction with JCPower and Texas State Movers.

  • Donations to our Kenya parntern, The Osare Ophanage, for the construction of restrooms on the orphanage site and for food and material supplies for the church and the children.

  • Scholarship program for Kenya students attending secondary school.