Our partners are so important to our organization, they are where we volunteer, places that support us, and they teach us so much.



Grace Garden partners with City House to donate supplies to their shelter.

the children's home logo.png

Grace garden partners with The Children home of Lubbock to provide birthday parties for children in Cottages while volunteering with children's activities


Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.


Sponsoring with grace garden is a great opportunity to see young adults working hard to change the world, one child at a time.
— Texas State Movers


Texas State Movers

This Sponsor has gone above and beyond to provide resources for us at every event. They have provided moving trucks, donations, and volunteers and we are so grateful for them! Thank you Texas State Movers!!


On Magazine

On Magazine has been an amazing sponsor to grace garden by providing us with venues to host fundraising events at and featuring us in their magazine!

Become A Sponsor

If you would like to sponsor grace garden please fill out the sheet below and hit submit, we would be delighted to work with you!