All of Our Beginnings

our mission

grace garden a non-profit organization training young leaders to provide for orphan, foster, and at-risk children across the globe.

our plans

Welcome to “grace garden” our endeavor and our legacy!

After six wonderful years of growing and learning under others, we are now setting out on a new journey. “grace garden” is a group of adults and young people building a charity from the ground up to come alongside children and families in need. Although we will always be indebted to those we worked with in the past and what we learned, we realized we are called to do more.

Our immediate goal was this: To establish our 501c3 charitable status, establish our board, obtain mentors for our youth, assign roles for our staff and start on our first fundraiser. Our intermediate goal was to establish partnerships with local children and family agencies and find where we are able to serve in our immediate areas. Also, we will plan our first leadership trip to establish partnerships internationally and sit down with our new partners and determine their needs.

Our long-term goals are to set up “grace garden” so that it will be successfully run remotely from anywhere in the world, utilizing and training youth to participate, learn and lead. It is our desire to partner with agencies, orphanages, foster care facilities and other family-oriented charities, but also to involve youth from around the world to participate and become involved.

“grace garden” will be a youth-led charity, with adult supervision and oversight. We will be creating the next generations of “doers” while we serve. We will be diligently seeking the appropriate adults to be on the board, mentor the youth or participate with us in our new endeavor. If you are reading this and wondering if you might have the talent to lend to us, then you probably do.

Working with youth, serving those in need and following the word of God is the most fulfilling adventure you will ever have. Come share a bit of time with us. You will be happy as you see how God is working his miracles with these youth and the people they are striving to serve.